Random Telly vision
We are the podcast that takes a TV show completely out of context and picks it apart. We pick a random episode from a series that neither of us have ever seen before and discuss what we think it'll be like. Then we watch the episode separately and get back together to discuss what we thought of it. Usually with wine! Contact us via email at randomtellyvision@gmail.com Follow us on social media! On Twitter @randomtellypod, or on Instagram @randomtellyvision
Random Telly vision
Episode One Hundred and Eight - Loki
Clare & Jenny
This week we are talking about Loki, a story of a young orphan who grows up with a terrible sense of pitch. He can only sing in Low Keys and joins a choir where he learns not only to sing in a higher range but also how to live laugh and love!
Sorry that was a terrible pun! We are of course doing the massive Marvel show Loki about everyone's favourite naughty god!
Hope you enjoy!