Random Telly vision
We are the podcast that takes a TV show completely out of context and picks it apart. We pick a random episode from a series that neither of us have ever seen before and discuss what we think it'll be like. Then we watch the episode separately and get back together to discuss what we thought of it. Usually with wine! Contact us via email at randomtellyvision@gmail.com Follow us on social media! On Twitter @randomtellypod, or on Instagram @randomtellyvision
Random Telly vision
Episode Eighty Six - Nine Perfect Strangers
Clare & Jenny
Have you ever dated nine people at once?
This new docuseries follows Sharon, an IT consultant from North Wales as she tries to find 'the one' by dating nine people at once!
Will it end happily ever after or will she get fired from her job as she has absolutely no time to work?!
We're kidding again. This is really the hit Amazon Prime show, about nine people who try to find themselves on a wellness retreat but the methods used to help them are somewhat unorthodox!
We hope you enjoy our confused conversations about Nine Perfect Strangers - Series 1 Episode 2.